Module 3, Mathematics 4, version 02 (JMA4C2) **

Section 1:Representing Fractions--Parts of a Whole; Fractions of a Set; Equivalent Fractions; Comparing Fractions; Keeping Sharp
Section 2:Tenths--Fractions and Decimals; Fractions and Decimals Greater Than 1; Comparing and Ordering Decimals; Decimals to Hundredths; Mixed Numbers--Ones, Tenths, Hundredths; Keeping in Touch
Section 3:Place Value and Equivalent Decimals; Rounding Decimals to Tenths; Decimal Dollars; Rounding to the Nearest Whole Number; Estimating Sums and Differences With Decimals; Keeping in Touch
Section 4:Adding Decimals; Subtracting Decimals; Estimating Dollar Sums and Differences; Adding Dollars and Cents; Subtracting Dollars and Cents; Keeping in Touch
Section 5:Rectangular and Square Numbers; Number Patterns; Mathematical Expressions and Brackets in Expressions; Magic Squares, Triangles, and Other Shapes; Mental Math--Using Quarters to Add and Multiply; Keeping in Touch
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You may download free, PDF versions at:
QP Stock Number: 7540003633
Ministry Reference: JMA4C2
In Stock: Available (Print-On-Demand, non-returnable)
Units of Issue: EA
Category: OS Module
Price: $23.44EA

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